Process Post #8: Methods that can help enhance our blogs and monetization resources

This week in lecture, Suzanne discussed the best ways to regularly post and listed the different factors that contribute to successful engagement. What stood out to me was “recycling well-performing content.” While I have come across such practices on various platforms by other people, it is one I may consider undertaking on social media, but I am unsure if that could function well on the blog itself. However, one feasible idea may be placing certain posts I think would be eye-catching on the home page as evidently this page is the first one viewers will see if they were to organically search “Four Purple Walls” via Google or type it directly into the search bar.

She also provided us with useful suggestions regarding creating supplementary content with the potential to add to our brands, including infographics and avatars. I never contemplated making an avatar for the site as I frequently saw it as more of a fun activity for personal use. But I do now see how this quality actually possesses the possibility to further “convey personality” (Norman, 2020). I also really appreciated Suzanne recommending the, essentially, corresponding tools available that directly helps us to do so. Concerning infographics, there was Canva, which I have had experience utilizing, as well as Visme and Biteable. I never heard of CoSchedule either, a website that assists in devising effective headlines.

What definitely surprised me were means such as crowdfunding being an option to monetize. I saw it as more for companies in the process of launching rather than individuals running a blogsite. I never knew the purpose of crowdfunding additionally encompassed “supporting other ventures” (Norman, 2020). Overall, I am glad our class was given the opportunity to learn more about many valuable, online resources. I look forward to engaging with them in continuing to enhance my blog.


Norman, S. (2020, March 6). Beyond Logos: From Instagram to Infographics + Funding and Financial Resources. PUB 201. Lecture conducted from Vancouver, B.C

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